Insulting words used by the modern generation that aren't abusive.

Profanity, abuse, and hateful speech. One should always refrain from using these but there's a point in your life when circumstances turn up in a way that you have to vent it out.
There's a solution for that. All you need is some new words in your English vocabulary. No, these words aren't going to sound nice but will save you from saying curses involving the f words and also will increase your vocabulary. Nice deal, innit?

Here is the complete self-curated list of insulting words popular in the 2020s - 

  • Airhead—A silly, stupid person
  • Arsehole - A selfish, unpleasant, and obnoxious person
  • Bimbo—Pretty but empty-headed young lady
  • Bugger—A disliked and pitiful man
  • Dag - Unfashionable/socially awkward
  • Deadbeat—A dull, lazy, and unreliable person
  • Dork – A socially awkward person
  • Douchebag—An obnoxious person
  • Dweeb - A studious person with a dull and inactive social life
  • Dope - A stupid person
  • Flake - An unreliable person
  • Floozy - A woman with a nasty reputation (OK, don't use this.)
  • Freak - A strange person
  • Fruitcake - A crazy or eccentric person
  • Gasbag - A person who talks too much
  • Geek - A computer & IT expert
  • Geezer - An old person
  • Git - A fool and stupid person
  • Goose - A silly or stupid person
  • Hick - A person unfamiliar with urban concepts 
  • Honky - Slang used by Black Americans for a white person
  • Jerk - A stupid person
  • Klutz - Clumsy or Foolish
  • Kook - A strange or eccentric person
  • Lard arse - An overweight person
  • Loudmouth - An obnoxious person who talks loudly and in a high voice
  • louse - An unpleasant & nasty person
  • Meathead - A stupid person
  • Nutter - A crazy or strange person
  • Old Bat - A disagreeable old woman
  • Prat - A fool
  • Brat - An ill-mannered immature person
  • Scumbag - Worthless
  • Sicko - Perverted person 
  • Smart-arse - Annoying person who is an egotist
  • Tight-arse - One who doesn't like to spend money
  • Toff - Wealthy Upper class
  • Twerp - Silly immature person
  • Twit - A silly and stupid person
  • Wanker - Arrogant and pretentious person
  • Weirdo- strange and weird person
  • Wimp - weak and unassertive
  • Yob - Impolite and crude person
  • Yokel - Simple uneducated village person

Frequently Asked Questions - 

1. What are some better synonyms for stupid or silly?

If you have gone through the list, there are many words that mean the same thing, one of them is silly, stupid, or immature. Here are the synonyms for it - 

  • Arsehead
  • Dope
  • Goose
  • Git
  • Jerk
  • Meathead
  • Twerp
  • Twit

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