So do you want to text quickly or get clueless or maybe feel FOMO when your friends use any of these terms? It's ok. I used to feel the same and one day I decided to learn all of it.
It's nothing good or bad. Just part of the current day's language and modern vocabulary. So no harm in learning. Innit?
It's nothing good or bad. Just part of the current day's language and modern vocabulary. So no harm in learning. Innit?
Here's the list -
- FYI - For your information
- G2G - Got to Go
- Give me five - Give me five minutes or wait for five minutes
- TTYL - Talk to you later
- IMO/ IMHO - In my opinion or honest opinion
- HIFW - How I feel when...
- TFW - That feeling when...
- MFW - My face when...
- IFYP -I feel your pain
- TNTL - Try not to laugh
- JK - Just Kidding
- ADIH - Another day in hell
- IDC - I don't care point of view
- SSDD - Same stuff, different day
- OMDB - Over my dead body
- POV - Point of View
- YNK - You never know
- SMH - Shaking my head
- YGTR - You got that, right?
- AYMM? - Are you my mother?
- CWOT - Complete waste of time
- ASL - Age, sex, location
- AAMOF - As a matter of fact
- TL; DR - Too long; didn't read
- IIRC - If I remember correctly
- AFAIR - As far as I remember
- JIC - Just in case
- SGTM - Sounds good to me
- DW - Don't worry
- w/o - Without
- w/e - Whatever
- WDUWTA? - What do you want to talk about?
- LMIRL - Let's meet in real life
- YOLO- You only live once
- Emo- emotional drama queen
- PTB- Please text back
- BRB- Be right back
- B@U - Back at you
- BBIAS -Be back in a second
- DBMIB - Don't bother me, I'm busy
- OMW- On my may
- TIA- Thanks in advance
- RUOK?- Are you OK?
- Dayger- A daylight party
- XOXO - Hugs and Kisses
- Salty - bitter about something
- Sic or Sick- cool
- No cap - Totally true
- Lurker - The one who sneaks at the group texts but never replies
- AMA - Ask me anything
- BAT- Before anything else
- Dafuq - what the f
- ELI5- Explain like I'm 5 years old
- JSYK- Just so you know
- TIL.- Today I learned
- TIHI- Thanks, I hate it