It Is a Beauteous Evening - Analysis

About the Author-

William Wordsworth was born in England in 1770. He is known for his contribution to bringing the Romantic Age to English Literature.

He left England in 1791 to spend his time in Frances. He got deeply inspired by the French revolution and also found her love there. After almost a decade, he returned back to England and permanently settled there. He developed a close friendship with Samuel Coleridge.

The Theme of the Poem - 

The Poem, It Is a Beauteous Evening is from Wordsworth's collection -Two Volumes (1807). It is written in Petrarchan sonnet form.

It Is a Beauteous Evening- Analysis- 

It is a beauteous evening, calm and free,
The holy time is quiet as a Nun
Breathless with adoration; the broad sun
Is sinking down in its tranquility;
The gentleness of heaven broods o'er the Sea;
Listen! the mighty Being is awake,
And doth with his eternal motion make
A sound like thunder—everlastingly.


   In the first stanza of the poem, the speaker is mesmerized by the calm, free and beautiful evening. The evening looks holy and quiet as a nun. The sun is setting down in a very peaceful setting.
The winds brooding over the sea are so gentle as they are blowing from heaven. It seems like a mighty being (God) is awake and with his eternal motion, he is making a sound like thunder.

Dear child! dear Girl! that walkest with me here,
If thou appear untouched by solemn thought,
Thy nature is not therefore less divine:
Thou liest in Abraham's bosom all the year;
And worshipp'st at the Temple's inner shrine,
God being with thee when we know it not.

In the second stanza of the poem, the poet finally introduces the readers to his actual audience - her daughter. He proceeds, dear child, you appear to be untouched by serious and troubling thoughts. Therefore, your nature is not less divine than this evening.

You lie in Abraham's bosom (biblical place of rest for a good soul), and you are worshipped at the inner shrine (the holiest) of the temple. You feel God's presence even when we adults aren't aware with it.


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